
Pre-Scheme Restoration

The Pre-Scheme Restoration project, porting the Pre-Scheme compiler from Scheme 48 to R7RS Schemes (work in progress!).

Pre-Scheme Demo

A collection of tiny demo programs written in Pre-Scheme, with a simple Makefile build system using the stand-alone scheme48-prescheme package available in Guix.

Scheme 48

The original Pre-Scheme project, with a bytecode virtual machine, two-space garbage collector, and BIBOP garbage collector, all implemented in Pre-Scheme. The VM and GC code can be found in the scheme/vm directory, and the Pre-Scheme compiler itself can be found in the ps-compiler directory.

3L Project

3L is an experimental minimalistic operating system, consisting of a Lisp core image implemented in Pre-Scheme, which boots natively in an x86-64 virtual machine.